Hypocrisy,BLM,Racism and selective outrage in India


Hey lads today i want to talk about Hyporisy,BLM,Racism and selective outrage in India.This 
is the epitome of hypocrisy as with the increased influence of social media,it is important to realise that selective outrage just to become cool and get validation from our peers is the new trend.Indians don't speak about racism in their own country but continue to say black lives matter!.

It is really amazing to see the kind of activism that Indians are showing with the hashtag
#Blacklivesmatter #BLM movement.

But i would like to ask these activist that where were you when the palghar Incident took place excatly one month ago.
Don't come and say that both the incident were different,because they are not,In both the incident police authorities were involved. The vicitims were totally visible,both incidents were recorded on camera and it led to the murder of innocent helpless people.

I living in India am off the opinion that all lives matter and before you start coming on to me with hate comments and critisicm please read the whole blog then you all would self realise that yes a
All lives Matter. 
so let's stop pretending that India is untouched by racism.

we are so outrage by this black lives matter movement and racism happening in USA but we have totally neglected ,what was happening to our north-eastern brother's and sister's
in India when coronavirus started in march.
Our north-eastern brother's and sister's were harrassed mentally,emotionally and physically.
They were denied entry into their houses that they have rented.They were also barb from coming into public places or even in hospitals.But still no movement,no outrage no protest was seen in India in that case.

We Indians have to stop pretending  that India is untouched by racism.
All you need to do is that take your Tv remote and on the Tv,and the first thing that's gonna pop up is a fairness creams advertisement.

IN these advertisement  they potray's that  those girls who are not fair,who are dark skinned they are not successful in life's,no one likes them and after they got fair they are certainly succesful,boy's are after them,they are pretty,they gets job,their family loves them.

Movies also potray's the same.There's a movie"BALA" where the actress BHUMI P. is shown to be dark skinned.In Indian media dark skin potray's that you are poor,you are of lower cast, noone likes you and in that movie we clearly saw that. Bhumi was dark skinned therefore all the boy's that came with marriage proposal rejected her. And her mother used to beauty plus or has to use filters to make her look pretty according to Indian standards.
In Indian cases racism is so ingrained that we never realise that from childhood onwards we have taught that white,fair means beautiful and black,dark means Ugly.

I remember there was a text book of english or hindi where we have taught antonyms means opposite. Under pretty(beautiful) word there was a picture of a fair girl and under the ugly word the picture was of a dark skin girl.
The problem is that we don't even know what the definetion or what racism actually means.

What is racism?
Hatered behaviour exhibited in written verbal or physcial form against ethnicity or physcial appereances of a group or a individual usually it applies to all.
But when we talk about Indian context we totally neglect that our north-eastern brothers and sisters and those belongs to south do not face racism at all.
Now after this the most important thing comes that after struggling for so many year's
why haven't we got an outcome till now?
The very big reason for that is all this movement have taken a totally idealogical or politically turn.
In India the leftist hijacked the CAA protest and the same thing we saw in USA.
where black lives matter movement was going such a good movement.It was captured by a communist group and changed it totally.Instead of protest riots are happening.In the name of protest the type of violence is happening is phenomenon.
If your constitution or laws gives you right to protest in decent so there are many lines written under that which you should need to see.while doing a protest in decent you can't
violate the rights and liberty of an individual and these protest which have turned into riots are doing that.
Certain people are using their black card against white individuals.The same things we see in India that some people misuse the laws.

We the normal people are hypocritical but there are certain section of people who should be responsible about it those who have big fanbase big influence they are our flim actor,actress. 

So at the end of this blog i have a very important question for my lovely Dear Indians.
You do activism very good.But why always your nerves get boils,the activism you show or you become a sudden humanist. Why this all things happens in that case when something happens outside from India or when it's not against your particular ideology your particular stands.
So many things were happened in India during March and April, where were those activist who were saying alllivesmatter or #blacklivesmatter or stop racism.
It is very important that we as a community become and potray equality and we should take equal stand and raise our voice equal.
Otherwise,these is no results of this protest and movement at the end and people will continue to suffer more and more.
